What's So Wrong With Here?
Many years ago, I was working as a pharmacy technician in a small town in Oklahoma. I hadn't lived here long, and I still had dreams of moving west to Seattle or Portland or somewhere in Northern California. Basically, anywhere except Oklahoma. The pharmacist's son was also a relatively new transplant to Oklahoma. He wasn't a fan, either. One afternoon, he and I were talking about how we couldn't wait to move "anywhere other than here." Our highschool-aged coworker overheard us and asked: "What's so wrong with here?" We were shocked. "Have you ever been anywhere else?" he asked. "No," she replied. "Well, I mean, I've been places on vacation, and that's fun, but it's always nice to come home. I like it here." She went to help a customer, and my friend and I just shook our heads. Our coworker was obviously too young to know any better. Or maybe she just didn't aspire to much. Eit...